Essentials for aerosol delivery to term and pre-term infants
Effectively delivering pharmaceutical aerosols to the lungs of preterm and term infants represents a considerable technical challenge. The purpose of the work reported in this article was to report the use of modeling to develop an understanding of the regional deposition of aerosols in neonates and to build a theoretical basis for choosing an optimum aerosol size to maximize delivery and minimize variability.
Trial of aerosolised surfactant for preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome
To evaluate the safety of an aerosolised surfactant, SF-RI 1, administered via nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) and a prototype breath synchronisation device (AeroFact), to preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).
Breath-Synchronized Nebulized Surfactant in a Porcine Model of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Effective treatment options for surfactant therapy in acuterespiratory distress syndrome and coronavirus disease 2019 have not beenestablished. To conduct preclinical studies in vitro and in vivo to evaluateefficiency, particle size, dosing, safety, and efficacy of inhaled surfactantusing a breath-synchronized, nebulized delivery system in an establishedacute respiratory distress syndrome model.
Physiologic Effects of Instilled and Aerosolized Surfactant Using a Breath-Synchronized Nebulizer on Surfactant-Deficient Rabbits
Surfactant administration incorporates liquid bolus instillation via endotracheal tubecatheter and use of a mechanical ventilator. Aerosolized surfactant has generated interest and conflictingdata related to dose requirements and efficacy. We hypothesized that aerosolized surfactantwith a novel breath-actuated vibrating mesh nebulizer would have similar efficacy and safety asinstilled surfactant.
Nebulised surfactant for the treatment of severe COVID-19 in adults (COV-Surf): A structured summary of a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
SARS-Cov-2 virus preferentially binds to the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) on alveolarepithelial type II cells, initiating an inflammatory response and tissue damage which may impair surfactant synthesiscontributing to alveolar collapse, worsening hypoxia and leading to respiratory failure.